Now Available on the MVI Catalog
These audio books are available on thumb drive or audio cassette from MVI:
- ABC DEVOTIONS by Carla J. Schoffner. A collection of devotions for young children.
- AT HOME WITH JESUS by Joslyn Wiechmann Moldstad. 97 devotions for children. C,T
- DAVID AND EILEEN by Grace Hagedorn Bartel. Using stories, this book addresses challenges facing young people, such as racism, gambling, etc.
- DYING TO LIVE by John A. Brown. Comfort for the terminally ill and their family and friends. C,T.
- FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS – EPISTLES. Devotions based on the letters of the New Testament from the devotional periodical Meditations. C,T.
- FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS – OLD TESTAMENT. Devotions based on the texts from the Testament from the devotional periodical Meditations. C,T.
- GRANDMA SPEAKS by Pearl Rainwater. Grandma Pearl tells stories from her life in devotional reflections to pass on wisdom gained through her experiences.
- GRANDMA’S VOICE by Pearl Rainwater. Grandma Pearl reflects on her past, telling stories with plenty of Christian insight.
- HEAVEN IS MY HOME Meditations that will comfort those who in their later years. C,T.
- HERE AND HEREAFTER. Inspiration for living in view of eternity.
- LEFT ALONE. The author’s tells her account of confronting widowhood.
- LISTEN, GOD IS SPEAKING TO YOU by Henry E. Paustian. Devotions with brief prayers on topics such as helplessness, priorities, aging and health challenges. C,T
- MAKE MY LIFE AN ALLELUIA: Devotions for Women by Jeannette Stohlmann. Adventures of a Christian mother.
- MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD: QUIET TIMES WITH GOD by William A. Lauterbach. Earthly joy is passing but these devotions remind you of the gold you have in God’s Word and your relationship with Jesus.
- ONLY ANGELS CAN WING IT: THE REST OF US HAVE TO PRACTICE by Liz Curtiss Higgs. A humorous and inspirational thought on everyday life.
- OUT ON THE MOUNTAIN. The story of a shepherd’s life in Palestine provides commentary on Psalm 23.
- THE PASSION STORY ACCORDING TO THE FOUR GOSPELS The complete Passion History compiled from the Four Gospels. (NIV) C,T
- PSALMS FOR SENIORS Devotions for retirees. C,T
- A SHEPHERD LOOKS AT PSALM 23 by Philip Keller. A lively devotional commentary on the “Shepherd Psalm.”
- WORTH FAR MORE THAN RUBIES by Charlene H. Lauersdorf. Especially for women in all seasons of life, this book is full of wit, wisdom and Christian advice.